Friday, January 31, 2025

Word of the Year: Meek


Image by BrayDawg
via Creative Commons

Instead of making New Year's resolutions, I choose a word of the year. (Here is an explanation.) This year I have selected the word "meek" as my focus word for 2025.  I have been gearing up for this for several days, and I can tell this is going to be challenging for me.  

This difficulty only convinces me that I need to work on being meek. 

Wednesday, January 1, 2025

Happy 13th Blogoversary


Image by eflon 
via Creative Commons

I started my blog on aging thirteen years ago today.  I realize that Instagram and TikTok are becoming more popular among the various social media platforms. However, I still like the blog format, and I use this blog primarily to record the results of my reading what experts say about various aspects of aging at midlife and late life. I also use this blog to record personal experience. 

Image by Takashi Hososhima
via Creative Commons

I do see the appeal of images and short video reels, but I have been teaching writing classes for over four decades, and I still value writing as a form of critical thinking (for myself) and as a medium for communication. 

Let's look at a couple of metrics for this blog. I hope that you find a post that interests you! 

The Top 10 posts Viewed in 2024

These are my evergreen posts: ones written in previous years but viewed by people using search engines. 

1. Movies about Love and Sex of People 50 Plus LINK

2. Robert C. Peck's Tasks for Older Adults LINK

3. Movies about Older Adults in the Dying Process LINK