Sunday, September 29, 2024

Swimming into Late (Mid)Life


Wren in the Snow College
Faculty Locker Room

When I was living in Wichita, Kansas, I attended a book club where one of the members brought a guest who was visiting from out of town. She was in her mid 80s and projected a lot of energy. I asked her about her fitness routine, and she told me that she had been swimming regularly for decades. I told myself that I would start swimming when I got older. 

At 62, I am running out of future for doing things "when I'm older."

For this reason (at at the prodding of my friend Rachel), I started swimming during this semester (Fall 2024).  

Sunday, September 15, 2024

Preserving Legacies with the Daughters of Utah Pioneers


September 2024 Meeting
of the Ephraim Camp of the
Daughters of the Utah Pioneers

When I moved to Ephraim in December of 2023. It is located in Sanpete County, part of Central Utah. 

I soon learned that the locals like to ask you about your people--and they do not mean your parents. They want to know who your great, great grandparents are. 

Scandinavian Heritage

This area was settled for years by Native Americans, but Ephraim as well as all of Sanpete County focus a lot on the immigrants who arrived primarily from Scandinavia in the 1850s.  During the weekend of Memorial Day, this town holds a Scandinavian Days Festival, and people want to ask if your ancestors came from Norway, Sweden, Finland, or Denmark. I hear less about Iceland, but that is a Scandinavian country, too. 

I have some relatives from Copenhagen, but none of them ended up in Sanpete County. 

Daughters of Utah Pioneers