A Late Quartet (directed by Yaron Zilberman) opened in theaters on November 2, 2012 (grossing $1.6 million). I try to see all new releases that focus on midlife and late life issues. Nevertheless, it escaped my attention then and again when it was released on DVD on February 5, 2013.
It finally caught my eye while I was searching for more films starring actors in midlife and late life to add to
my list. I was interested to see how the film would discuss the complexities that form when a group of people work together for a quarter of a century.
This film did not disappoint. Its cast includes Christopher Walken as Peter Mitchell, a cellist who is a bit older than the other three members of The Fuge, a string quartet. At the start of the film, Peter learns that he has Parkinson's Disease, which has affected his ability to perform. He announces that their upcoming season will be his last, providing his dopamine medication allows him enough muscle control to perform one last time.